Charity derives from the Latin word caritas which means love such as in "Deus caritas est" (Jn4:8 - God is love). Charity is a key element of the Christian faith. At St Thomas of Canterbury, Sevenoaks we have numerous opportunities for charitable involvement. Charity is much more than financial, important as that is. Charity also involves the giving of our time and of our talents. The numerous charitable initiatives would not be viable were it not for the dedication of those involved. There is much to choose from. Please get in touch to learn more and find out how you can be involved.
Supporting your parish is an important priority, please see this link to find out more about the tax efficient opportunities of Gift Aiding.
Second Collection
The Catholic church is the world's biggest charitable organisation. Many rely on the generosity of support provided through the Catholic Church's numerous charitable institution - Caritas Internationalis, Cafod, Aid to the Church in Need, Stella Maris (formerly Apostleship of the Sea), to mention but a small handful. Our own Diocese of Southwark co-ordinates parish "second", after each of the Sunday Masses, collections for an approved list. Many of these are first response institutions in times of famine, natural disaster, war and reaching out where no governmental support is provide for health care, schooling, etc. Please give generously to these appeals.
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)
With SVP there are many opportunities to help financially, practically, and through visits to the isolated or housebound. Contact Paul Boyle 07407 041922 or Kathie Gonzalez. Watch this space for more news.
Loaves and Fishes Foodbank
Charity begins at home so it is said. Here in Sevenoaks we have many people impacted by economic hardship. Often the difficulties are short term, but it is a great comfort and even a "God send" to know that people in our local community care and are willing to provide a hand up. At the Loaves and Fishes foodbank there are opportunities to assist in collection of items from various collection points, volunteering at the distribution centres. And in our own Parish churches food items can be left in the entry porches which will then be delivered and distributed as required. Please contact Isabelle Mercer for more information.
Rural African Children's Education Trust (RACET)
This is a very worth while charity with its roots in Sevenoaks. To find our more please contact MaryAnn Perasso 01959 522337 and/or click through to the RACET website.
Malawi Appeal
For many years now we have enjoyed the regular visits and support of Mgr Boniface Tamani (Fr Boni). Fr Boni works in Malawi among some of the poorest of people. Each year our parish seeks to support the work he does through financial and other material donations. Periodically parishioners have visited him in Malawi - please keep him in your prayers and watch this space as well as the parish News letter for opportunities to continue this worthwhile support.
On Sunday 1 September 2024, Mgr Boniface gave an informative, although heart rending, update on the critical work being undertaken in his home diocese in Malawi. The full deck of slides from his presentation are set out below, providing great insight into the challenges faced and the significant difference the many projects are making to the lives of people in Malawi. Many Sevenoaks Parishioners have contributed generously to the work over many years - such is indeed faith in action.
If you feel able to assist in this initiative/appeal please make a contribution either directly to Fr Boni, or through the Parish Bank account, RCAS Sevenoaks, 60-19 02, 25782002 (marked reference Fr Boniface).