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Priest in Church

Fr Piotr Kucharski

Parish Priest

01732 454177

Priest in Church

Fr John Eyike

Assistant Priest

01732 454177

Priest in Church

Dcn Neil Philipson


01732 454177

St Thomas of Canterbury,
St Bernadette's,
West Kingsdown


Welcome to the Roman Catholic Parish of St Thomas of Canterbury, Sevenoaks. There are four churches in our parish. You are welcome at any or all of them.

The principal church is in the town of Sevenoaks itself. It is dedicated to St. Thomas of Canterbury (Becket).

Mass has been celebrated on this site since 1880. Our present church has been built since then with main additions in 1894, 1927 and 1994.

The Church of The Most Holy Trinity in Otford was completed in 1981. A previous building was aquired in 1944 for use as a Catholic Church and was inaugurated on Trinity Sunday and was dedicated to the Holy Trinity that year.

The Church of St. Bernadette's, West Kingsdown was completed in 1988. Previously, since 1947, Masses were held in private homes, particularly at Redcourt, West Kingsdown.

The Church at St. Joseph's, Borough Green was opened in 2017 and consecrated on 1st February 2020. Previously a hall was used for Masses. The site was purchased at an auction in 1957 for use for Catholic worship.

The Catholic Parish of Sevenoaks is part of the Latin Rite Archdiocese of Southwark.

All enquiries should be addressed to the Parish Office or to the Presbytery.

Fr. Piotr Kucharski
Parish Priest

Most Holy Trinity,
St Joseph's,
Borough Green


Our Parish is an active Parish.  In responding to our Lord's call to build His Church on earth we have a number of support services or provide links to such services.  For specific needs and/or contact information, please do use the Parish Handbook provided below.

Gift Aid Scheme

What is Gift Aid?

  • Gift Aid is the method used by the Government to allow charities, including the Church, to obtain a tax refund on donations made to them.

  • At present we receive £25 for every £ 100 of donations made through Gift Aid.

  • The Gift Aid scheme is simple, involves few formalities and is an essential source of revenue for the Church.

What is involved in joining the Gift Aid Scheme?

  • To join the scheme you have to pay sufficient tax to cover the tax reclaimed on all your Gift Aid donations.

  • You have to sign a standard declaration that your donations are to count for Gift Aid.

  • Thereafter you only have to make sure that your donations are made in such a way that they can be recorded as made by you to the Church. The most common methods are

    • By Standing Order

    • By using special numbered weekly envelopes which are provided free of charge.

    • Any amount as long as the donation shows your name and the church as recipient.

What donations can be included?

  • The Gift Aid declaration that you sign is in favour of the Diocese rather than the Parish, so all donations to the Parish and the Diocese can be included, for example: Offertory Collections, Easter and Christmas offerings, mass stipends, Parish and Diocesan second collections.

  • Excluded are collections for charities that are separate from the Diocese, for example CAFOD and missionary societies. These may ask you to make Gift Aid declarations in their favour.

Other practical points

  • As long as donations are made in an identifiable form there is no further action to be taken by donors. The actual tax recovery is made by the Diocese on behalf of the Parish. Donors who are liable to tax at the higher rates should keep a note of their donations, as they can obtain personal tax relief for the higher tax suffered.

  • As and when payments are made by cheque the cheques should be made payable to RCAS St Thomas of Canterbury ( RC Diocese of Southwark is also acceptable).

You can obtain further information from the Parish Gift Aid Organiser. Email: Sean Corrigan
Or pop a note in the Offertory Collection.

Two pdf files to view or download:

Gift Aid Form

Parish Safeguarding

The parish reps for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults are:

  • Sevenoaks Parish Safeguarding Officer: Ken Baines (phone 0776 6171972 or email Sevenoaks Safeguarding Officer).

  • Most Holy Trinity, Otford Safeguarding Rep (and Deputy Parish SO): Sally Kelly.

  • St Joseph's, Borough Green Safeguarding Rep: Margaret Briggs.

  • St Bernadette's, West Kingsdown Safeguarding Rep: Theresa Hood.

  • St Thomas of Canterbury, Sevenoaks Safeguarding Rep: vacant.


If you think a child or adult is in immediate danger dial 999 and ask for the police. You can always contact the Archdiocese of Southwark Safeguarding Office on 020 7261 1606 or Safeguarding Office.


For an urgent but not emergency matter contact Ken Baines as above. For advice or to raise a non-urgent concern contact the relevant rep listed above.

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