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St Bernadette's
West Kingsdown

Sundays 11.00 am.

Fridays 10.00 am.

Holy Days 11.00 am.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays 7.30 am. to 8.30 am.

St Joseph's
Borough Green

Sundays 9.30 am

Thursdays 10.00 am

Holy Days 6.00 pm

Most Holy Trinity

New Year's day Wednesday no Mass

Sunday 9.30 am (with
Children's Liturgy)

Wednesday 10.00 am

Holy Days 10.00 am

There is usually one mid week Mass on a Wednesday but may be subject to change if there is a Requiem Mass, and over Christmas & Easter periods.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Thursday evening 7.30 pm - 8.30 pm
Friday 11 am. to 12 noon

St Thomas of Canterbury Sevenoaks

New Year's day Wednesday 9:30 am only

Saturday Vigil 6.00 pm
Sunday 8.00 am (Latin)
Sunday 9.15 am (with
Children's Liturgy)
Sunday 11.15 am
Sunday 6.00 pm

Monday 8.00 am
Tuesday 9.30 am
Wednesday 8.00 am
Thursday 12 noon
Friday 8.00 am
Saturday 9.30am

Weekday services may be subject to change in exceptional circumstances, and over Christmas & Easter periods.

Contact us

St Thomas of Canterbury

12 Granville Rd, Sevenoaks

Kent TN13 1ER

01732 454177

We are happy for you to contact us either by  using the email or phone provided below.  We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Church locations:

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