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Altar Servers

Altar Servers

Young people who have made their first holy communion and adult servers are very welcome, particularly during the week.

If you wish to begin serving you should speak to the priest after mass. An application form may be downloaded at this link: Altar Server Application Form

The priest will introduce you to a server who will be able to help or give you details of an altar server training day.

Altar Servers in the parish are part of the Guild of St Stephen. The Guild links altar servers across the country through national events; both formal (eg. annual Mass at Westminster Cathedral) and relaxed (e.g.Theme Park trips). They also provide medals and awards for servers. For more information about the medals and requirements for receiving them, please see the guide in the sacristy at St Thomas's.

For more information about the Guild of St Stephen please visit their website:


Altar Servers Thanksgiving Mass and Fun day

Altar Servers came together for Mass and some fun on Saturday 20 July 2024. Loads of activities - football, outdoor games, some indoor board games, bingo and great hotdogs, crisps and fairy cakes all went down well.

Apparently Aurea won the bingo. Fr John showed off some of his awesome football skills and Fr Vipin is gradually learning the fine art of barbecue. Thanks to all.

Thanksgiving Mass:

Fun and Games:

Fr John has quite some footie skills:

Some of the helpers:

More fun and friendship:

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