Home Faith Cells

Knowing one another “If you keep good companions, I can assure you that you will one day rejoice with the blessed in Heaven” St. John Bosco.
Going Deeper in Faith “Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” St. John Paul II.
Becoming One in Christ “That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us.” Jesus Christ.
What’s Involved?
Parish Cells have been running in our parish since September 2022. They are small groups of parishioners who have committed to meeting together regularly for a period of 6 - 10 weeks at a time.
Each meeting will involve
either a meal or, more tyically, some refreshments together,
some spiritual formation, and
a chance to spend time reflecting or sharing about our faith.
Why Cells?
Knowing one another Christian friendship is a gift to be given and to be received. How well do you know your brothers & sisters in the pew next to you? Your parish cell will be a chance to share the gift of Christian friendship in a way that, uniquely you can - and to receive the friendship that you can only find among your family, which is God’s Church.
Going Deeper in Faith Parish Cell Groups are an invitation and an opportunity to go a little deeper in your relationship with God. Wherever you are with Him, He always desires to give you a little more of Himself - will you let Him?
Becoming One in Christ Jesus prayed to His Father “that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” (John 17.23) Parish Faith Cells seek to respond to that desire of our Lord, by bringing people together in our parish through the bond of deeper friendship - human friendship with one another, Divine friendship with Jesus Christ.
Who provides the food?
Each group will decided its own arrangements according to what those who join feel is best. Typically participants bring something to share each week - perhaps some snacks (crisps/ cheese and biscuits), some chocolates, home baking, biscuits, perhaps a bottle of wine, tea/coffee.
What material is used for Faith Formation?
The parish has purchased access for all parishioners to Formed.org. This is an outstanding catalogue of resources with high quality courses for all interests and experiences of the Catholic Faith. Parishioners are welcome to go online, sign up as parishioner, select our parish from the list and you will be able to see for yourself.
Still not sure - How Can I find out some more?
a) Speak to one of the Parish Cells coordinators*; or register your interest using online form link below; or email SevenoaksPLF@rcaos.org.uk ;or phone the parish office and leave your details. Someone will in touch soon to give you some more information
.b) Watch Three short testimonies of parishioners who have attended one of the pilot parish cell groups.
God moves in mysterious ways. The loss of my Council seat in May freed up Monday nights. Monday night is Church Group night – so my excuse not to join my wife had evaporated courtesy of the wisdom of voters in Sevenoaks Town Ward. My feelings about joining the group were mixed. As someone raised in an atheistic household, who became a Catholic convert somewhat late in life, I have always been instinctively fearful of being drawn into what my father would have seen as irrational, doctrinaire behaviour. But, having joined the Church some 15 years ago, I have no doubt that it was right to set out on this faith journey. That said, I still feel very much as though I am a learner driver. I look to my wife, Madeleine, as my role model in navigating my way through this process. She absolutely loves Church group, describing it as ‘life-changing’.
So, what do I think after four months? Well, my inner fears about being forced down a particular path have been put firmly to bed. The group consists of six other people, who are knowledgeable, interesting, engaging – and a joy to be with. There is nothing intimidating about the group; quite the contrary. The standard format is that we meet in a group member’s home. We watch a programme on Formed, and then discuss it over a glass of wine and nibbles. Expertise and experiences are shared with candour and a light touch.
The Group represents a wonderful opportunity to ask those questions that you never really have an opportunity to raise elsewhere. Or you can simply sit and listen. The time usually rushes by – and we are quite disciplined about wrapping things up before we hit the two-hour mark. In short, I have found the group an enormous help in exploring and understanding what it means to be Catholic. It is also, dare I say it, rather good fun!
c) Yes, I want to participate
If you have made up your mind that you do want to participate, please use the link below to give us a little more information such us which time of day(s) of the week that would suit you best.
Thank you.
*Co-ordinators: Neil Phillipson, Adrian Pinington, David Cooper, Trish Pinington, Andrew La Trobe