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Parish Retreats in 2025

This year there will be two retreats at Aylesford. A Women's retreat from 2nd 4th May, and a Men's retreat from 30th May until 1st. June. Please see descriptions below and registration forms for each which may be downloaded.

WOMEN’S RETREAT - Gifts for the Journey - A time of invitation and encouragement. This retreat will happen Aylesford from 2nd to 4th May 2025. If you have never been on a retreat before maybe this is the time? We are fortunate to be led in our retreat this year by Clare Cameron. She is a spiritual director and facilitator working at St Beuno’s in their outreach team. The cost (including full board & lodging) is £240. If you would like to attend, pick up a registration form from the back of your Church or download a form from the website here. Lift shares to Aylesford will be organised.

For queries, contact Catherine Rodger at or call 01732 458852. The registration form and non refundable deposit of £20 made payable to ‘RCAS Sevenoaks’ must be returned to the Parish Office in an envelope marked PARISH RETREATS by the 31st March 2025. WOMEN'S REGISTRATION FORM

MEN’S RETREAT - Joy-Sorrow-Triumph-Witness-The Rosary and our daily lives. This retreat will be at Aylesford from 30th May 2025 to 1st June 2025. We are fortunate to have Fr Bryan Wells as the  facilitator. He was the parish priest for Petts Wood parish before retiring and has helped out saying mass in our parish for some years. He is the author of Brother Roger and Taize, a consummate musician and organist and an excellent preacher. The cost for the retreat (including full board & lodging) is £240. If you would like to attend pick up a registration form from the back of your Church or download a form from here. Lift shares to Aylesford will be organised. For queries, contact Catherine Rodger at or call 01732 458852.

The registration form and non refundable deposit of £20 made payable to ‘RCAS Sevenoaks’ must be returned to the Parish Office in an envelope marked PARISH RETREATS by the 30th March 2025.


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