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14 Jan 7:30 pm Tue

St Thomas - Padre Pio Prayer Group - Fr Columba Jordan

16 Jan 10:30 am. Thu

St Thomas - Coffee morning + talk by Seminarian

18 Jan 7:00 pm Sat

St Thomas - Truth Seekers

20 Jan 10:30 am Mon

St Thomas - Bereavement support

28 Jan 7:30 pm Tue

St Thomas - Padre Pio Prayer Group

1st until 16th February

Carlo Acutis Exhibition - St Thomas

22 Feb 7:30 pm Sat

St Joseph - Quiz night

The Parish Priest writes:




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As we pray for peace in our world, let us also pray for healing in the Body of Christ, that divisions among Christians may be transformed into bonds of mutual love and mission. Many local churches are coming together to mark this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and I encourage you to pray individually and, where possible, to take part in local peace services as a sign of our shared commitment to Christ’s mission of reconciliation.​


This theme of renewal and transformation also resonates in the letter from Archbishop John Wilson, calling us to look ahead with hope as we seek the renewal of our Archdiocese. While acknowledging our real challenges— declining numbers in our churches, financial struggles, and an ageing clergy—he urges us not to be defined by these difficulties. Instead, he encourages us to dream boldly about what God can achieve through us. He invites us to take part in the Called to Bear Fruit consultation, ensuring that every voice in our parish can help shape the future of our local Church.


This Sunday’s Scripture readings reflect this same invitation to renewal. The Gospel takes us to the wedding at Cana, where Jesus performs His first public sign. More than a simple miracle, this moment is a revelation: Jesus is the divine bridegroom, calling humanity into a covenant of love. He transforms water into wine, just as He can transform our lives, our Church, and our world when we place our trust in Him. As Pilgrims of Hope, we are called to walk together, to renew our faith, and to become signs of peace and unity in a world longing for reconciliation.


Let us respond—not just with words, but with actions. May Christ, be our light!


Fr Peter 



SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND is for Pax Christi which promotes peace in the world.


CALLED TO BEAR FRUIT. Archbishop John Wilson invites us all to reflect on the future of our Archdiocese. Booklets outlining six key themes for reflection are available at the back of the church. We encourage you to take a copy, read through it, and share your thoughts. Your insights will help shape the renewal of our Archdiocese. Let us pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and engage actively in this important journey of faith and mission.


CHRISTIAN UNITY WEEK IN OTFORD. The ecumenical service will be this Sunday 19th January at St Bartholomew’s church, in Otford. All welcome at 5:00pm for tea and cake followed by the service at 5.30pm.


CHRISTIAN UNITY WEEK IN SEVENOAKS. Parishioners are invited to join in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Service on Sunday, 26th January 2025, at 3:00 pm, at St John’s Hill United Reformed Church, in Sevenoaks. It is an opportunity for Christians of all denominations to come together in prayer and fellowship, reflecting the unity we share in Christ. It is a time to celebrate our shared faith, pray for healing and reconciliation among all Christians, and give witness to the Gospel in our community. We hope to see many of you there!


BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT. On the third Monday of each month, parishioners from the Bereavement Support team will be in the Parish Centre from 10:30am until 12noon for anyone who would like to talk in confidence about a bereavement or other loss such as job, health, family pet. This month, it is on Monday 20th January.


Our TRUTH SEEKERS youth programme will have a session on Saturday 25th January, at 7:00pm in the Parish Centre. Teenagers who have completed their Confirmation are all welcome. For queries, email the Parish office.

EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES. An exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles by Carlo Acutis will be displayed in St Thomas’s for 3 weekends commencing 1st February. This link will take you to a 6 minute video from EWTN describing the first millennial Saint on the Path to Sainthood. Carlo Acutis, who died in 2006 at the age of 15, was beatified in 2020 and will be canonised on 27th April 2025 on Divine Mercy Sunday.  For details, contact Colleen Lockyer on 07768 453460 or Enia Adeleye .


RECOLLECTION for women and girls. This will be rescheduled. A new date will be confirmed soon.


The FOOD BANK is calling on your generosity to provide the their clients with new socks, especially men’s socks. Some come without socks during this cold weather and this is not an item that can be found in charity shop. It would make a lovely gift for St Valentine’s day. Thank you for your continuous support. Isabelle Mercer


QUIZ NIGHT: Saturday 22nd February at 7:30pm at St Joseph’s, Borough Green. Teams of 6. £10 each to include a ploughman’s supper and tea/coffee. Bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles. Contact Jenny 07591301186 or Margaret 01732885295 for booking.


​JUBILEE WALKING PILGRIMAGE TO AYLESFORD - A CALL FOR PILGRIMS AND HOSTS TO PILGRIMS - DATE FOR THE DIARY. As part of the Jubilee Year celebrations in 2025 called for by Pope Francis, there will be a walking pilgrimage from St George’s cathedral to the Marian shrine of Aylesford in Kent. This will start on Monday 2nd June and arrive on Friday 6th June 2025, in time for the big diocesan Jubilee event on Saturday 7th June 2025. The pilgrims will stop at selected parishes on route sleeping in church halls or staying locally with parishioners or in B&Bs. Our parish has been chosen as one of the stopping places; the pilgrims will arrive in Sevenoaks on 4th June and stay two nights. Would you like to become involved - by joining the walkers for part or the whole of the walk, by welcoming them here, by offering hospitality to the pilgrims overnight for the two nights, by volunteering to cook, or be part of the welcome ministry? Please let Gina know.​​​​


HELP YOUR MARRIAGE – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped  because it only makes it worse? Retrouvaille has helped 10s of 1000s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about the next programme which will be presented on Zoom 27th February to 2nd March 2025.  Email: or call/text 07887296983. Also see: 


PARISH PILGRIMAGE  2025. Following the  successful pilgrimage to Medjugorje last May, we now have a reservation for June 2nd 2025, for up to 15 people for 7 nights. Medjugorje is an inspirational place when you will feel the presence of Our Lady leading you closer to Our Lord. Price is £756 and includes flights, transfers, a local guide, and half board hotel accommodation. If one pays a deposit of £150 before the end of January, a discount of £30 will be applied. It is expected that you will share, otherwise a supplement of £150 is required. If anyone is put off by the price, we may be able to help? Contact Barry Authers by text or phone 07773 658469. 



Saturday 18th January: after 6:00pm Mass

Sunday 19th January: after 9:15am Mass

and before 11:15am Mass

Thursday 23th January: during Coffee morning - from 10:15 until 12 noon.

Saturday 25th January: after 6:00pm Mass

Sunday 26th January: after 6:00pm Mass

New cards (birthday, get well, mass intention, etc) and other items are available, and further copies of the new CTS Sunday Missal have now arrived, alongside other CTS publications. We also stock prayer and devotional books, a wide variety of rosaries, Holy water bottles and other gifts. Any queries, please contact Esther Ford.

MASS INTENTIONS - A BEAUTIFUL WAY TO PRAY. We have available spaces for Mass intentions in the coming weeks. Offering a Mass for a loved one, whether living or deceased, is a profound act of love and faith. Please contact the parish office to reserve a date. Let us continue to pray for one another through the powerful gift of the Eucharist


MOTHER’S PRAYERS every Thursday after the 12noon Mass in the Parish Centre. It is a special time for mothers to unite in faith and offer prayers for their families and the broader community. All are welcome.


ST PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP. This is a prayer group for those discerning and practicing discipleship in our parish led by Deacon Neil which meets in the Parish Centre from 7:30pm on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month, and includes time of fellowship over tea and coffee, praise & worship led by musicians, consideration of Church teaching and prayer. For more information please contact Deacon Neil.​​​




  • Catherine (Cathie) Cairney  - funeral arrangements to be confirmed.

  • Frank Easterbrook - funeral on Tuesday 21st January 2025 (12:00 Noon) in Otford.

May they rest in peace. Amen.






Dear brothers and sisters in Christ


This Jubilee Year calls us to remember that we journey together as ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ who look to Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life. At the wedding in Cana, Our Lady spoke words that are addressed to us today: ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ (Jn 2:5) Trusting in the Good News brought to us by the Lord Jesus we are encouraged to look to the future with confidence. God keeps his promises and can make all things new. Therefore, we place our hope in God’s Word. He asks us to be ‘tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.’ This means we each have a part to play in building up the Church’s life of faith and fulfilling the Great Commission to ‘make disciples of all nations.’ (Mt 28:19)


The Jubilee Year offers each of us, and all of us, a profound opportunity to reflect prayerfully on the future of our Archdiocese. We face some significant challenges - nearly half of our diocesan priests will reach the canonical retirement age of 75 by the end of 2025; Mass attendance has declined by a third over the past 25 years; and many parishioners have yet to return to parish life since the pandemic. But – and importantly - these realities do not need to define us. Financial uncertainties in many of our parishes may feel daunting, but they are also an invitation to rediscover our mission, and to dream boldly about what God can achieve through us.


Pope Francis, in his letter The Joy of the Gospel, shared a vision that resonates deeply with the challenges we face: “I dream,” he said “of a ‘missionary option,’ that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language, and structures can be suitably channelled for the evangelisation of today’s world rather than for her self- preservation.” (Evangelii Gaudium, 27).


I have the privilege to serve as your Archbishop, and I want to say to you that I share this dream. A dream of an Archdiocese where every parish embraces this missionary spirit, becoming evermore vibrant communities where new people are continually encountering the Lord Jesus. My hope is for our parishes to be places of profound joy and healing, where lay men and women experience the transformative love of Christ; where they are equipped to carry forward the Church’s mission with renewed purpose. I invite you to dream with me and to make this dream a reality.


In 2023, we embarked on a process entitled Called to Bear Fruit. It’s a journey of listening, collaboration, and renewal in a spirit of synodality. We began by listening to the hopes and concerns of our clergy. Now, I would like also to hear from you, my sisters and brothers in Christ. What signs of vitality do you see flourishing in your parish? Where do you perceive the challenges to be? How can we work together, as clergy, laity and consecrated people, and neighbouring parishes, to make the Church’s mission more effective in our local communities?


Today, I would like to ask for your help in two ways:


First of all, please pray for the renewal of our Archdiocese. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to illumine our hearts and minds with fresh possibilities during this Jubilee Year of Hope. Together, let us pray for the courage and wisdom to discern the path ahead.


Secondly, to engage in the Called to Bear Fruit consultation. A booklet is available at Mass today which outlines six key themes for reflection. I encourage you to gather in small groups, as works best in your community. Come together prayerfully to reflect on these themes, and share your insights with the Called to Bear Fruit team. The booklet explains everything about how to do this.


When I began my ministry as your Archbishop, I said that I did not come to the Archdiocese to manage decline, but to lead with hope. This Jubilee Year of Hope is our chance to open ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to work together towards a revival of Christian life, witness, and mission in our Archdiocese. For this, I humbly ask for your prayers, your ideas, and your active participation. Together, we can re-imagine our parishes as thriving centres of faith, healing, and evangelisation.


As Pilgrims of Hope, therefore, let us walk this journey together with faith, courage, and joy.


With every blessing and with the assurance of my prayers and gratitude


Yours devotedly in Christ

+ John Wilson

Metropolitan Archbishop of Southwark​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




​St Thomas of Canterbury, pray for us.
St Joseph, pray for us.
St Bernadette, pray for us.
St Edith of Kemsing, pray for us.


Fr Peter Kucharski, Parish Priest of Sevenoaks

12 Granville Road     email

Sevenoaks               01732 454177

TN13 1ER



Dear Friends,

This Sunday, as we celebrate Peace Sunday, we are reminded of our vocation as peacemakers in a world longing for healing and reconciliation. Pope Francis, in his message for the World Day of Peace, invited us to embrace hope, calling us to have “disarmed hearts”—hearts that turn from selfishness to generosity, from division to unity, from fear to trust. The work of Pax Christi, the international Catholic peace movement, is a concrete response to this call. They remind us that peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, dignity, and mutual care; and that peace-building is not just for world leaders—it begins in our hearts, our homes, and our communities.​


This week also marks the beginning of the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity (18th–25th January). The search for peace is deeply tied to the call for unity among all who follow Christ.

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