1st until 16th February
Carlo Acutis Exhibition - St Thomas 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00
11 Feb 7:30 pm Tue
St Thomas - Padre Pio Prayer Group
15 Feb 9:00 am Sat
St Thomas - Mass with Anointing of sick
22 Feb 7:30 pm Sat
St Joseph - Quiz night
The Parish Priest writes:


Dear Friends,
This Sunday’s readings present us with powerful encounters with God that change lives. Isaiah, in the First Reading, experiences the glory of the Lord and is overwhelmed by his own unworthiness. Peter, in the Gospel, has a similar reaction when he recognises Jesus’ divine power—falling to his knees and declaring himself a sinner. St Paul, in the Second Reading, acknowledges his own past failures, yet by God’s grace, he is chosen to be an apostle. Each of them receives not only a call but a mission. Isaiah responds, “Here I am, send me!” Peter is told he will become a fisher of men. Paul, once a persecutor, becomes the greatest preacher of Christ. Their examples remind us that God does not call the perfect—He perfects those He calls. He takes our weaknesses, our fears, and even our past mistakes, and through His grace, makes us instruments of His love.
As we reflect on this, we are invited to ask ourselves: where is God calling us? How is He asking us to trust Him, even when it seems foolish to cast out our nets one more time? Faith demands courage, and like Peter, we are called to go deeper—to trust that when we surrender to the Lord, He provides beyond our expectations.
This week, the 11th February, the Feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes, marks the World Day for the Sick. A day established by St. John Paul II to remind us of our Christian duty to care for those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit. Illness and suffering can be heavy burdens, but they are not carried alone. Christ, the Divine Physician, walks with all who are weak, offering His strength and His peace. He calls us to be bearers of His compassion—to visit the sick, to pray for them, and to offer them our support. To honour this occasion, we invite all who are ill, burdened, or in distress to a special Mass for the Sick on Saturday, 15th February at 9:30am, during which the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be offered. This sacrament is a gift of Christ’s healing presence, bringing strength, peace, and often, renewed hope to those who receive it. If you know someone who would benefit from this special grace, encourage them to come and if possible, help them to get to St Thomas’ church.
Like Peter, we may feel unworthy or unprepared for the mission God has for us. But God’s call is not about our qualifications—it is about His grace. Where is God calling you to cast your net this week?
Fr Peter
EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES. Come and see the exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles by Carlo Acutis at St Thomas’s. Opening times: 10:00am till 12:00noon and 2:00pm to 4:00pm. On the final Sunday 16th February, from 3pm onwards there will be Adoration and Benediction, video and a talk about Carlo Acutis, followed by refreshments. All are welcome.
MASS FOR THE SICK with ANOINTING. To mark the World Day of the Sick, we invite you to a Mass for the Sick on Saturday, 15th February, at 9:30am at St Thomas'. During this Mass, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be offered to those in need of spiritual and physical healing. Confessions will be available from 9:00am (there will be no confessions after Mass). If you know someone who is sick or housebound, please assist them in coming to church for this occasion.
SICK AND HOUSEBOUND. We are updating the list of sick and housebound parishioners. If you would like your name added or know someone who should be included, contact the Parish Office personally or by emailing Silvana . Also, if you want a priest to visit you or someone during Lent for Confession or Sacrament of Anointing, let us know.
PARISH CENTRE. The hallway, back door, kitchen and toilets will not be available this week due to maintenance work. Thursday Coffee Morning is cancelled.
Our TRUTH SEEKERS youth programme will have a session on Saturday 15th February, at 7:00pm in the Parish Centre. Teenagers who have completed their Confirmation are all welcome.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT. On the third Monday of each month, parishioners from the Bereavement Support team are in the Parish Centre from 10:30am until 12noon for anyone who would like to talk in confidence about a bereavement or other loss such as job, health, family pet. This month, it is on Monday 17th February.
GRIEF IN LOSS WEEKEND-HOPE IN CHRIST. A retreat for anyone who has experienced bereavement, recently or some time ago, at The Friars, Aylesford. There are dates in March and October. For information, call 01622717272 or email
WOMEN’S RETREAT - Gifts for the Journey - A time of invitation and encouragement. This retreat will happen Aylesford from 2nd to 4th May 2025. If you have never been on a retreat before maybe this is the time? We are fortunate to be led in our retreat this year by Clare Cameron. She is a spiritual director and facilitator working at St Beuno’s in their outreach team. The cost (including full board & lodging) is £240. If you would like to attend, pick up a registration form from the back of your Church or download a form from the website: https:// Lift shares to Aylesford will be organised.
For queries, contact Catherine Rodger or call 01732 458852. The registration form and non refundable deposit of £20 made payable to ‘RCAS Sevenoaks’ must be returned to the Parish Office in an envelope marked PARISH RETREATS by the 31st March 2025.
MEN’S RETREAT - Joy-Sorrow-Triumph-Witness-The Rosary and our daily lives. This retreat will be at Aylesford from 30th May 2025 to 1st June 2025. We are fortunate to have Fr Bryan Wells as the facilitator. He was the parish priest for Petts Wood parish before retiring and has helped out saying mass in our parish for some years. He is the author of Brother Roger and Taize, a consummate musician and organist and an excellent preacher. The cost for the retreat (including full board & lodging) is £240. If you would like to attend pick up a registration form from the back of your Church or download a form from the website: https:// Lift shares to Aylesford will be organised.
For queries, contact Catherine Rodger or call 01732 458852. The registration form and non refundable deposit of £20 made payable to ‘RCAS Sevenoaks’ must be returned to the Parish Office in an envelope marked PARISH RETREATS by the 30th March 2025.​​
Saturday 8th February: after 6:00pm Mass
Sunday 9th February: after 9:15am Mass and before 11:15am Mass
Tuesday 11th February: after 9:30am Mass
Saturday 15th February: after 6:00pm Mass
Sunday 16th February: after 11:15am Mass
We have new cards (Mass intention, birthday, get well, blank, etc) as well as the new CTS New Sunday Missal, People's Edition. A new stock of spiritual books has also arrived.
Any queries, contact Esther Ford. Many thanks for your support.
QUIZ NIGHT: Saturday 22nd February at 7:30pm at St Joseph’s, Borough Green. Teams of 6. £10 each to include a ploughman’s supper and tea/coffee. Bring your own drinks, glasses and nibbles. Contact Jenny 07591301186 or Margaret 01732885295.
JUBILEE WALKING PILGRIMAGE TO AYLESFORD - A CALL FOR PILGRIMS AND HOSTS. As part of the Jubilee Year celebrations in 2025 called for by Pope Francis, there will be a walking pilgrimage from St George’s cathedral to the Marian shrine of Aylesford in Kent. This will start on Monday 2nd June and arrive on Friday 6th June 2025, in time for the big diocesan Jubilee event on Saturday 7th June 2025. The pilgrims will stop at selected parishes on route sleeping in church halls or staying locally with parishioners or in B&Bs. Our parish has been chosen as one of the stopping places; the pilgrims will arrive in Sevenoaks on 4th June and stay two nights. Would you like to become involved by joining the walkers for part or the whole of the walk, by welcoming them here, by offering hospitality to the pilgrims overnight for the two nights, by volunteering to cook, or be part of the welcome ministry? Please let Gina know.​​​​​
PARISH PILGRIMAGE 2025. Following the successful pilgrimage to Medjugorje last May, we now have a reservation for June 2nd 2025, for up to 15 people for 7 nights. Medjugorje is an inspirational place when you will feel the presence of Our Lady leading you closer to Our Lord. Price is £756 and includes flights, transfers, a local guide, and half board hotel accommodation. It is expected that you will share, otherwise a supplement of £150 is required. If anyone is put off by the price, we may be able to help? Contact Barry Authers by text or phone 07773 658469.
Andrew Julian Walter cremation service on 25th February 2025 at 11.45am at Vinters Park, Maidstone
Catherine (Cathie) Cairney funeral on Friday 28th February 2025 at 11am at St Thomas’s.
Bridget Sandy funeral in Wednesday 12th March at 11am at St Thomas’s.
May they rest in peace
We all experience moments in life when we feel weak, vulnerable, or burdened by illness. Whether it is a sudden sickness, the frailty of age, or the struggles of a long-term condition, these times remind us of our human limitations. In such moments, we may seek comfort from those around us, turning to family, friends, and medical care for support. But as people of faith, we also recognise that God’s grace is a source of strength and healing. The Church, through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, offers us a tangible way to receive this divine assistance, reminding us that Christ walks with us in our suffering.
NOT JUST THE 'LAST RITES'. Many people mistakenly refer to this sacrament as the "Last Rites," believing it is only for those on their deathbed. While the Anointing of the Sick is indeed an important part of preparing a soul for eternal life, it is first and foremost a sacrament of healing, intended for anyone suffering from serious illness or frailty. It is not limited to those at the point of death but is meant to bring spiritual and even physical healing to those in need.
A crucial aspect of this sacrament is the forgiveness of sins. If the recipient is unable to make a sacramental confession, the Anointing of the Sick offers grace and reconciliation with God. This is why it is so essential for Catholics to receive this sacrament when they are ill, rather than waiting until the final moments of life. When someone is nearing death, the Church also offers Viaticum, which is the reception of Holy Communion as food for the journey into eternal life, completing the soul’s preparation for meeting God.
BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus is seen healing the sick and comforting the suffering. His miracles were not only signs of divine power but also expressions of His deep compassion. In Mark’s Gospel, we read how the disciples, sent out by Christ, “anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them” (Mark 6:13). This practice continued in the early Church, as we see in the Letter of James: "Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven." (James 5:14-15). From these scriptural roots, the Church has always understood the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick as a means of spiritual and sometimes physical healing, a visible sign of Christ’s abiding presence with those who suffer.
WHAT DOES THE SACRAMENT DO? The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is not only for those at the point of death but for any Catholic who is seriously ill, preparing for surgery, or struggling with the burdens of frailty and old age. It’s worth mentioning that as a Sacrament, it is only for Catholics who are in full communion with the Church to receive. And when received in faith, it confers spiritual healing, strengthening the soul and bringing inner peace and courage to face suffering with trust in God’s will. It connects our suffering with Christ’s Passion, grants forgiveness of sins, and often, if it is God's will, the sacrament can bring physical recovery.
HOW IS IT CELEBRATED? A priest administers the sacrament by laying hands on the sick person, praying over them, and anointing them with the Oil of the Sick, which is blessed by the bishop at the Chrism Mass. This sacred ritual reminds us that Christ remains close to the suffering and does not abandon His people.
WORLD DAY FOR THE SICK. Each year on 11th February, the Church observes the World Day for the Sick, instituted by St John Paul II as a reminder of our Christian responsibility to care for the ill and suffering. This day coincides with the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, a powerful symbol of healing and intercession. To honour this occasion, our parish will celebrate a Special Mass for the Sick on Saturday, 15th February, at 9:30am at St Thomas’ church, where the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be administered to all who need it with no question asked. We invite all who are struggling with illness, those burdened in mind or body, and their loved ones to come and experience the Lord’s grace in this beautiful sacrament. Naturally, some people may not be able to come on their own, so if we can assist in bringing them to the church, it would be a great act of charity and kindness.
May we, as a parish, embrace our sick and suffering brothers and sisters with Christ’s love and be living witnesses of His compassion and mercy.
​St Thomas of Canterbury, pray for us.
St Joseph, pray for us.
St Bernadette, pray for us.
St Edith of Kemsing, pray for us.
Fr Peter Kucharski, Parish Priest of Sevenoaks
12 Granville Road email
Sevenoaks 01732 454177
TN13 1ER